Today is the 27th of October.
Well, Elder Freeman left
yesterday, so now we are in a trio with Elder Perkins until this afternoon when
we will have a new Elder arrive. So many special transfers. It is quite...
stressful, to be entirely honest. Ah well. What can be done.
This week we had very high temperatures; I'm not sure exactly what they
were, but it was unpleasantly hot and difficult to sleep- so we were all
grateful for the cooling rainfall that we had last night that dropped the
overnight temperatures to reasonable levels.
This week we had interviews with president, which only happen once every
three months- so that was very good. Had I mentioned that on November eighth
Elder Christofferson is going to be visiting in this area, and will give a
special training to the missionaries? It is a very exciting
A funny thing happened today; the church
accidentally sent me an email with the subject line "Active Shooter Training
Enrollment Notification" that informed me that as a member of church staff the
church security department now requested that I complete the "Surviving and
Active Shooter Incident Training" which was a little bit of a shock to me, but I
suppose that it is fine to take a lot of precautions. So I clicked on the link
it gave me, and it asked me for my LDS account, which I gave, but then it told me
that I didn't have authorization for that training module. So, I suppose it must
have been an accident, especially seeing as no one else received any
notification. Weird.
This week in my personal studies I finished
reading all of Jesus the Christ, which I was about halfway through... So, that
was a lot of pages. James E. Talmage's book is very intelligent, although quite
opinionated, and I cannot say that I agree with ALL of his views. Still, it was
informative and enlightening, and gave me that opportunity to ponder more deeply
many of Christ's parables, his analysis of which comprises one of my favorite
parts of the entire book.
I also continued in several reading projects I
have in the scriptures, and read some of the first chapters of Alma again, and
particularly enjoyed Amulek's rebuttal of Zeezrom (Alma chapter 11) and my
favorite verse was the forty-fourth, which reads as follows:
44 Now, this restoration shall come to all, both old and young, both bond and free, both male and female, both the wicked and the righteous; and even there shall not so much as a hair
of their heads be lost; but every thing shall be restored to its perfect frame, as it is now, or in the body, and shall be brought and be arraigned before the bar of Christ the Son, and God the Father, and the Holy Spirit, which is one Eternal God, to
be judged according to their works, whether they be good or whether they be evil.
Anyways, I hope you all have enjoyable weeks,
Elder Backstrom